Review: How to Create and Authenticate a PayPal Account in 2024

How to Create and Verify PayPal Account (2024) review

How to create a Paypal account Do you also want to know how to create PayPal account? So in this article we are going to give complete information about it. In this article, each step of the entire process of creating a PayPal account has been told so that people do not have any problem in creating PayPal account

Friends, PayPal is one of the world's well-known online payment service providers. With this help, we can transact money from any country in the world. If you are an entrepreneur or a businessman or are shopping online, then it may be needed to send or receive money from other countries.

There are other articles on the internet about this, but they are all outdated. Whatever new steps have to be followed are also mentioned in this article. So, let's first know what things you will need to create a PayPal account.

Things required to create a PayPal account

Email Address: To create a PayPal account, you need an email address. When creating an account, it is first asked to enter it. If you want, you can also use Gmail address.

NIN SLIP: This document is very important. That is why it has also been made mandatory to open an account in the bank. This is your ID proof. Without this, your PayPal account will not be verified. If you do not have a nin slip or nin, you can use your parents, provided you also have to create a PayPal account in their name.

Mobile Number: Mobile number is also mandatory to create a PayPal account. Without this, you will not be able to proceed with the process of creating a PayPal account. If you do not have it, then you can use the mobile number of a member of the house. Any mobile number is accepted.

Bank Account and Debit/Credit Card: These are the most important things to create a PayPal account. Although you can add them even after creating a PayPal account, but without them your PayPal account will also not be of any use. Now let's know how to create a PayPal account.

How to create PayPal account?

To create a PayPal account, first tap on the Sign up for free option in the PayPal's website. After this, select the account type. Now give information about your business. After this, give your personal details. Now explain why you want to use the PayPal. In this way your PayPal account will be created.

After that, you can add a bank account and debit card. Click on this link to go to the PayPal website. Below is a screenshot of how to create a PayPal account.

1. First go to the PayPal website.
2. Then tap on the Sign Up for free option.

3. Then select the Business Account option and tap on Next. You can only send money to the individual account, but you can also send and receive money to the business account.
4. Then enter your email address and tap on Submit.
5. Now create a password for your PayPal account and click on Submit.
6. Now select Individual in the first dropdown of Describe your business and fill the rest of the information. If you do not understand, then fill anything in any option other than NIN and Finally tap on Submit.
7. Then enter your information such as name, birthday and address.
8. After entering all the information, scroll down to enter the mobile number and tap on Agree and Continue.
9. Now select one of the four options that you are earning money by doing. If you do not understand, then select the Other option and tap on Next.
10. Now tap on the Next option in the next page.
11. Now your PayPal Dashboard (image shown below) will open. This means your PayPal account has been created.

How to verify PayPal account

To verify PayPal account, two things have to be done. First is to confirm your email address. For this, as soon as your PayPal account is opened, scroll down to the bottom of the Dashboard. Below is the option to confirm the email ID. After that, a confirmation email will be sent to your email id, which you will have to confirm.

The second task is to verify your bank account. Which is explained below in the section of adding bank account and debit card.

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How to add bank account and debit card in PayPal

1. In the PayPal dashboard, tap the top corner three-line menu.

2. Now tap on the Pay & Get paid option.

3. Then tap on the Bank & Cards option.

4. Tap on the Link a new bank account option here.

5. Now in the new page, enter the Account Number and tap on Link Your Bank.

6. After this, within one to two days, money will come from PayPal in two small amounts (between 1 to 2 rupees). Then tap on the Confirm your bank account option and enter the correct number of those two amounts. After that your bank account will be linked to PayPal.

7. To add a debit card, first select the card type, then enter the card details, then tap on Save. Your debit/credit card will be added to the PayPal.

How to create your Paypal.Me link

A link is created to make the payment process easier in the PayPal. With this help, any person can send us money only with the help of that link. Understand that this is a kind of ID, just like a UPI ID for making payments in India. Let's know how to create link.

1) Scrolling down in the PayPal's dashboard will find Create your unique Paypal.Me link, tap on it.

2) Then tap on Create Paypal.Me Profile.

3) After this, create your ID. You can also enter a number or your name if you want. Also, do not forget to put your photo.

4) Then tap on Next.

5) Now your Paypal.Me profile is ready.

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is CC Statement Name in PayPal?

Just as your name comes in the history when you make a transaction in PhonePe. In the same way, this CC Statement Name i.e. Credit Card Statement Name will be shown in the PayPal account of others that they have done transactions with a person of this name. You can enter your or your company's name in it.

What is required to open a PayPal account?

To open a PayPal account, you need things like an email ID, PAN card, mobile number and a bank account. All these things have to be valid because verification is required later. However, you can add a bank account even after opening a PayPal account.

Final Words

We have given you a lot of information to create and verify PayPal account. Also, it has been told about adding bank account and debit card to PayPal. We hope you've created your PayPal account. If it has not been made and there is any problem or you have any questions, then tell us in the comments below.

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